As a follow-up to the last post, discussion among most of the TG caps community (at least the ones I follow) on Blogger/Blogspot seems determined to migrate elsewhere. It's looking like Tumblr is the leading contender, but Wordpress has been recommended by several people. Unfortunately,
Wordpress' User Guidelines specifically disallow explicit content:
"We know that there may be different definitions of this, but generally, we define pornography as visual depictions of sexually explicit acts. Nudity, in and of itself, is fine."
Many cappers may find at least some of their content crosses this line.
WP's UG also doesn't seem to clearly delineate between media types, meaning that even if the images used don't cross that line, the accompanying text or themes still might.
Edit: Dang it, how did I overlook "
visual depictions" in their UG?! It must have marked up with the obscure <fnord> tag. :/
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